Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eye Relaxation Techniques Save and Improve Eyesight Naturally Body

Today, anyone who feels tired, stressed out or has some health problem can choose between a huge range of mind and body relaxation services. Traditional or exotic massage techniques, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy - you name it, the list of choices is truly endless. On the other hand, probably the most important organs in our bodies - our eyes, are somehow neglected and relaxation is rarely considered as part of any eye care regimen. As bizarre as it might sound, eye relaxation is of utmost importance for our eyesight.

As most eyesight disorders are caused by eyestrain, eye relaxation techniques seem to be the only decent tool that can help us keep our eyes in shape and our vision - good. So, which eye relaxation techniques are greatly beneficial for eyesight and how a regular relaxation session should take place? There are various eye relaxation techniques and a person can choose those which they like the most. On the other hand, when one follows a specific natural vision correction program, they must stick to the eye relaxation techniques recommended in that program. One of the simplest and most effective eye relaxation exercises is the so called Palming. It takes just a few seconds and directly relaxes the eyes. That is the reason why Palming is strongly recommended to busy people who spend long hours of uninterrupted eye work. You can get full instructions how to perform Palming and other easy eye relaxation techniques here.

Let's mention quickly how a normal eye relaxation session should take place. First of all you need to take off your eyeglasses or contact lenses. A single relaxation session can take anything between 1 minute and half an hour. It is vital to relax not only your eyes but your mind and body too. Finally, a word about the healing power of some eye relaxation techniques. As I mentioned above, eye relaxation is important as it prevents your eyesight from a number of eyesight disorders. What you probably do not know is that some eye relaxation techniques can heal refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and even slow down aging vision.

Click Here Now to Discover the Secrets To Curing Your Eyesight. Get Perfect 20/20 Eyesight in 60 Days... Guaranteed!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Significant Eye Care Tips

Eye is a very delicate part of our body. Eyes are our first connection to the external world. Eye being delicate part need to be taken care of, you need to remember that your eye will also age with you and if not taken care of properly it may lead to eye problems. Here are certain tips to cool down your strained eye.

• Take rose water and add 2 drops of castor oil to it. Soak a small cotton pad in this and place it in your eye for 15 min, this will help soothe down eye burns.

• Dip cotton pads soaked in cold tea solution for 60 mins, and then place them in your eyelids for 20 mins. This will help your eyes to cool down.

• If your work involves looking on the computer monitor for a long time, then make sure you blink several times, and at frequent interval of 2-3 min, look away from computer screen. This will help better focus.

• Simplest method is to rub your palms together and then place it on your eyelids, this will soothe the eye.

• Make sure you have an anti-glare screen fixed in your monitor screen to reduce the strain to eyes.

• Dark circles can be one method for your eyes to tell you that it is tired, place a piece of cucumber on your eyelids for 20 mins, this will help cool down your eyes.

• For puffy eyes, you can use used tea bags after cooling it. Place this on your eyes this will reduce puffiness.

• Visit an ophthalmologist at least once in a year, it can’t cost you much.

• While driving bike, make sure you wear a sunglass, this will protect eye from sun and also dust.

• Don’t rub your eyes, even if there is some irritation splash plenty of water into your eyes, rubbing will further strain your eyes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

An Effective Method for Improving Eyesight Naturally

Body: The majority of people suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism believe that prescription glasses or contact lenses are the only method for improving eyesight. However, these vision correction devices treat only the symptoms of their disorder and only in very specific cases cure the condition.

In fact, the only effective medical method for improving eyesight in case of a refractive error is an eye refractive surgery. But such a surgery comes with its own risks of complications and in many cases the results are short lasting. So, what shall you do if you are sick of your glasses (or contacts) and reluctant to undergo an eye surgery? Is there an effective, natural method for improving eyesight in case of nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and even presbyopia? Yes, there is - poor eyesight can be restored by eye exercises and relaxation. Eye exercises and eye relaxation have been known as a way to correct vision naturally since nearly a hundred years. Eye exercises and eye relaxation has been known as a way to correct vision naturally since nearly a hundred years.

Considered a controversial vision correction approach by some, eye exercises and relaxation have proved to be a safe, effective, affordable and easy way to restore 20/20 visual acuity. By now you are surely wondering how some easy eye work outs can do what modern medicine cannot. In fact, many clinical studies tried to establish the precise reason why people doing vision exercises and relaxation managed to restore their vision.

While the outcome of most research is pretty arguable, it is generally accepted that vision exercising improves eye muscle power and flexibility and thus improves the focusing abilities of the eyes. In addition, certain vision exercises relax the eyes and even the whole visual system by releasing muscle tension and visual stress, and that is of great importance for eye health and vision. Are you eager to find out more about natural vision correction plus numerous helpful eye exercises and relaxation techniques?

Click Here Now to Discover the Secrets To Curing Your Eyesight. Get Perfect 20/20 Eyesight in 60 Days... Guaranteed!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Causes Bad Eyesight?

An Overview of the Risk Factors of Some Prevalent Vision Problems

Eyestrain, blurred near or distant vision, peripheral or central vision loss - these are all terrifying symptoms of bad eyesight. Learning what causes bad eyesight can help you prevent or slow down the development of eyesight disorders and diseases leading to visual impairment and even to blindness.

The easiest way to explore what causes bad eyesight is to go through the most common eye problems and look into the specific risk factors and causes of each one.

Nearsightedness. Nearsightedness or myopia is certainly one of the most common vision disorders. Myopia can cause significant vision loss and greatly lower one's quality of life. One of the major causes for poor vision in myopic people is frequent and prolonged close up eye work and subsequent eye strain.

Farsightedness. Farsightedness (hyperopia) is often overshadowed by myopia in the public perception, vision research and the scientific literature*. Although other vision disorders have greater negative effect on visual acuity than farsightedness, the possible complications of uncorrected hyperopia make it a serious eyesight disorder. What causes bad eyesight in hyperopic people? Farsightedness in people is often hereditary; essentially every infant is born with mild farsightedness. Hyperopia in adults often results from chronic health conditions (diabetes), eye diseases (intraocular and orbital tumors, eye inflammations) and contact lens wear.

Presbyopia (Aging vision). Presbyopia is considered to be an age related eye disorder. In other words, declining eyesight is as inevitable as growing older. However, numerous factors may contribute to an early onset of presbyopia. Poor diet and unhealthy eating habits, harmful habits such as smoking and chronic alcohol consumption are among the top causes. What else causes bad eyesight in case of presbyopia? As any other eye and vision disorder, the age-related changes in the eye responsible for presbyopia development may be triggered by general poor health, other systemic diseases, medications, stress.

The good news is that there is an easy way to find out more about the causes bad eyesight as well as how to take better care of your eyes and how to improve vision naturally.

Click Here Now to Discover the Secrets To Curing Your Eyesight. Get Perfect 20/20 Eyesight in 60 Days... Guaranteed!

Eye Exercises That May Help Lazy Eye

Those who suffer from lazy eye surely know how frustrating this eyesight disorder is. And if your child is diagnosed with lazy eye, you can only imagine how uncomfortable they must feel not being able to see properly. The good news is that lazy eye can be corrected with a combination of prescription glasses and eye exercises.

An article I've read just now explains in details which are the best ways to get rid of lazy eye. It gives information about the condition and discusses several treatment approaches including eye patching. Furthermore, the article features three easy eye exercises that may help the condition in both children and adults. If you need to take care of lazy eye to prevent further vision loss and possibly improve vision, you should check it out. You can also get complete eye exercise instructions for each of the eye exercises for lazy eye mentioned there too.

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Myths and Facts About Poor Vision You Should Know

Almost everyone suffers from a vision disorder; whether it is nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism or another eye disease, the inability to see properly without your correction glasses or contacts is pretty frustrating. Yet again, not many people know what have actually caused their poor eyesight, or which of their activities or habits may lead to further vision problems.

Knowing the truth about the most common causes of poor vision is equally important for those who still enjoy good vision as well as for parents looking to protect their children's eyesight. Is it all right if you leave the night light on in your kid's room while they are sleeping? Can eating lots of carrots improve your vision naturally? Should you be worried if you read a lot or like watching television? As someone who didn't know much about vision, I found an article that answered all of these questions and revealed the truth about numerous other vision myths.

Read the rest of the story...

How to Eliminate Eye Strain and Promote Good Vision

As someone suffering from poor vision and spending lots of time in front of a computer screen, I was eager to find out whether there is a natural way to help my eyes relax and perhaps improve eyesight naturally. I came across numerous eye exercises but there was one that got my attention and that later proved to be one of the most efficient vision exercises I have tried.

I am talking about the Tibetan Eye Exercise. At first, I was surprised to discover that this eye exercise is pretty old; it seems it was invented hundreds of years ago and is part of traditional Eastern medicine practices. The exercise is quite simple and offers relief of the symptoms of eye strain. Since I've been doing this exercise for just about a week, I can't say whether it will help me to improve my eyesight but if you suffer from eye strain or poor vision due to nearsightedness, it's surely worth trying.

Continue reading...

Fruit and Vegetable Juices Beneficial For Vision

It is a well known fact that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is good for health. But did you know that eating lots of fruits and/or vegetables can actually protect your eyes from some of the most common age-related eye diseases?

I've come across a very interesting article about natural vision improvement. They were discussing a recent study that proved how eating at least three portions of fruits and vegetables per day can actually reduce a person's risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and cataract, two of the leading causes for severe vision impairment in America. Moreover, the article explained which are the most beneficial fruits and vegetables for eye health, why are they important for good eyesight as well as how to prepare several tasty and healthy vision fruit and vegetable juices.

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Near-Far Focus Eye Exercise for Tired Eyes and Nearsightedness

I've recently read an article explaining how one can restore their vision by doing special eye exercises. Although I was a bit skeptical that such kind of vision therapy would work, I decided to look for some eye exercises and see what they are all about. So, I did a quick Google search and came across an eye exercise called Near-Far Focus Exercise to Improve Eyesight.

To my surprise, it was far easier than I originally thought an eye exercise would be - all I had to do was to switch my eyes' focus between a small calendar and a wall calendar several times. The exercise seems to be useful for eye relaxation and could be helpful for improving distant vision problems. I still can't say if it works for correcting nearsightedness, as I have only been doing it for a week now. But it definitely helps me relax my eyes and eliminates any tension I feel after a long day in front the computer screen.

Read the rest of the story...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Eye Exercises for better vision... Easy, Tried-and-Tested!

These eye exercises helps thousands to have better vision - without eye glasses, contacts lenses or Lasik eye surgery.

Are you tired of how often you need your glasses? Or are you suffering from any of these eye problems:

1). Myopia (nearsightedness),
2). Hyperopia (farsightedness),
3). Presbyopia (middle-age sight/reading glasses),
4). Astigmatism,
5). Poor night vision,
6). Strabismus (crossed eye),
7). Amblyopia (lazy eye),
8). Photo sensitivity (sensitivity to light),
9). Eyestrain, headache and burning eyes,

If you do, please read on carefully. Because what you're about to learn can dramatically boost the quality of your life.

It's important that you read on, because ...Imagine how your life will change if you can...
*Stop wearing your spectacles or contacts for good by reversing your vision.
*Stop wasting money on expensive spectacles and contact lenses

Almost everyone now has some forms of vision problems. But do you know that there are tried and tested eye exercises that improve your eyesight - without glasses, contact lenses or lasik surgery?

These eye exercises help all types of Poor vision and prevent common eye problems. They help you to see better at any age. They work even if your parents wear glasses, or if you have worn glasses or contacts for lots years.